

TOGETHER FORGE is a collaborative of philanthropic donors working to advance a global economy that works for all. By pooling expertise and resources, we enable community and ...
forgefunders.org/- 2025-3-13

Forge - Fast build system for Kubernetes services

Forge: Fast build system for Kubernetes services
forge.sh/- 2025-3-13

GitHub - ForgeXYZ/MaterialX: MaterialX C++ and Python libraries

MaterialX C++ and Python libraries. Contribute to ForgeXYZ/MaterialX development by creating an account on GitHub.
github.com/ForgeXYZ...- 2024-7-3

Pull requests · ForgeXYZ/pybind11 · GitHub

Seamless operability between C++11 and Python. Contribute to ForgeXYZ/pybind11 development by creating an account on GitHub.
github.com/ForgeXYZ...- 2024-12-12


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Home - FORGE

FORGE builds strength and resilience in our transgender communities through training and technical assistance, resources and support.
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The Building. The Space. Your Space. The Studios. Forge App. The Location. Downloads. THE BUILDING Forge has people at its heart - find out how. FLEXIBLE. Forge provides ...
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